Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Count

Next to the garbage can residing one, my favorite Sesame Street character was always The Count. He might describe the Further Left Library, Forum, and Chat as follows.

In the last one year, July 9 2005 through July 8 2006, the Library and Forum together have had 16,809 page loads from 9,926 unique visitors, of which 6,391 were first time visitors and 3,535 were returning. Daily averages over that period are 46 page loads from 27 unique visitors, of which 18 were first time and 9 returning.

Usage patterns changed when the Forum was installed October 11 2006. The current last 100 page loads show the Forum now accounting for 82% of the total and the Library 18%. Joint Library and Forum daily averages since then are 47 page loads, 31 visitors of which 21 are first time and 10 returning.

This extrapolates to a yearly expected use of the Forum and Library jointly to 17,155 page loads and 11,315 unique visitors of which 7,665 are first time and 3,650 returning. Narrowing that to a Forum's 82% share gives an expected 14,067 annual Forum page loads from 9,278 visitors of which 6,285 are there for the first time and 2,993 returning.

The Further Left Chat Room would normally experience one to 12 participants at any single time when it was a part of Yahoo chat madness. Twenty two was the maximum I recall. There was no noting then of how many came and went during any particular period.

The Chat's activity diminished greatly after moving to the EWC chat system in mid June 2005. But, so did the madness as it rapidly dropped to zero. There were 9 distinct chat participants yesterday, 16 during the past week, 30 in the past month, and 248 since the June 17 2005 move to the EWC chat system. Those figures varied little over the past year.

We are not a large chunk of the world of information but neither are we invisible. You can't kick a rock out of the path until you see it there. Hopefully we have and will continue to shed a bit of light along the way.

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