Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Another Theft

South Central Farm
A much valued and needed piece of farming land has been taken from the Mexican people in the Los Angeles California area, South Central Farms. It was given to them by the mayor over a dozen years ago, and many of those who communally farm it are dependant on its food for finances and health. It has been taken to build condominiums for the rich and privileged. This is another example of how their government has set up America so the rich can take advantage of the poor. But with the new awareness of Mexican Power that has been displayed so well recently not much more of this will be accepted.

Below is a post from one of the victims of this battle.

Tue Jun 20, 2006

They have been taking our land since 1492. They took even more in 1848, and now they take yet another piece. The historical continuity of this should not be shocking. Our land is constantly being gentrified. Gentrification means the taking of La Gente's land and using it for the benefit of the rich and powerful like was done in the Chavez Ravine to build Dodger Stadium or in East LA to build freeways. We will continue to see this here in Los Angeles with the renovation of Downtown displacing working class renters to build luxury lofts. One rich white man took the land of over 350 families who worked the land at the South Central Farm. That is true institutional power. One rich white man had the power of the state behind him, which meant that the full force of the police, sheriff and if necessary the National Guard, while 350 families have only themselves.I am often told of the wonderful gains Raza have made since the civil rights movement. "Look," I am told, "There is even a Latino Mayor." However, what difference does that make? It does not matter who we vote into office. It does not matter how many Raza are placed in political office. The results are the same. One rich white man can take the land of over 350 families, while a Hispanic Mayor sits on the sidelines and watches. Let us stop wasting our energy on such foolish endeavors as voting for democrats or electing sell-out Hispanics into office. This has never yielded results and we can see losing the farm as a prime example. Instead, we must organize! We must build our "people power" to combat institutional power. We must join community organizations and build strong alliances with other working class and oppressed communities. We must learn form our past victories, such as, Chicano Park and from successful organizations like the Crusade for Justice in Denver. The struggle for land will continue. And we shall continue to struggle for the land.
-Jose Lara

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