Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Some Texas Truths

Texas Independance Day May 2
Here is a post I pass on about Texas. A different view of Americans and how some see their history and respect it.
"Other then my great grandmother, who was from a Comanche tribe in west Texas, all my ancestors were scots. So I am not Mexican, nor from any other country south of the border. My family came to Texas long before it was even a republic".
"Mexicans were astoundingly generous to norteamericano colonists. Ahead of a household normally received a league and a labor. That amounted to a whopping 4,605 acres. Additionally, immigrants couldalso expect a tax rebate until they got on their feet in their adopted homeland. Americans who had been ruined in the Panic of 1819 flocked to Mexican Texas by the thousands. And they were grateful to Mexico for the chance--and a place--to make a fresh start. To most American immigrants, it seemed as if Mexico offered more opportunity than the"land of opportunity" itself.
Most Texians immigrated under the Mexican Constitution of 1824. Under that covenant Mexican citizens enjoyed a republican form of government and most of the power of government resided at the state and local levels. Indeed, the Mexican federalists were great admirers of the United States Constitution of 1787 and employed it as a model for their 1824 charter. When Santa Anna revoked the Constitution of 1824 and declared himself dictator in 1835, all bets were off. American Mexicans considered themselves bound to the old constitution and were not about to sit still and be quiet while a military dictator appropriated the reins of government. They were not, however, alone it that. Many Federalistias Mexicans loyal to the Constitution of 1824 -also took up arms to resist Santa Anna's centralist regime.
So the revolt that began near Gonzales in October 2, 1835, was a civilwar - not a bid for complete separation from Mexico. Both Anglo-CelticTexians and the native Tejanos fought for self-government within the federalist system created by the Constitution of 1824. The war was not, as some have insisted, a "culture conflict." Indeed, many Texas Mexicans joined with norteamericano neighbors to resist the centralistas.
Independence forced Tejanos to make hard choices. Some like Navarroand the Seguans opted to support the new republic. But others like Benevides, the alcalde of Victoria, could not force their principlesto bend that far. Benevides was a Mexican first, a federalist second.He had seen much hard fighting at the siege and storming of Baxar in1835, but when he heard of the March 2 declaration he went to Goliad commander James W. Fannin and informed him he was leaving the army. He could not abide centralist despotism, but neither could he be a party to striping Mexico of Tejas. He believed his only honorable option was to return to his ranch and sit out the war as a non-combatant. Fannin understood his plight and sent him home with his blessing. Still other Tejanos, like Carlos de la Garza, Juan Moya, and Agustan Moya,resented the influx of foreign settlers, view opposition as disloyalty to their motherland, and flocked to the centralist banner. These were not men who wet their fingers to test the prevailing winds; they did not plot their course according to the latest public opinion poll.They were deeply rooted in principle and tradition. Each of theseTexas Mexicans followed his heart and while the path did not always lead to victory, it never led to dishonor."
I bring this up because I for one am sick and tired of hearing people from Texas say the words "illegal immigrants". Either those Texans are transplants or totally ignorant of how important Mexicans are to our being here. Mexico invited us, treated us with the up most respect and friendliness, now a mere 150 yrs later we repay the kindness with hate.
I was not raised this way, nor was anyone I grew up with. We respect and honor this land and the people whose ancestors welcomed us withopened arms. We love their vibrant culture, strong work ethics, andintegrity. For most of us older and multi-generational Texans, we find those traits rare in the Euro-anglos here.
My grandparents and their grandparents would not greet me favorably in the after life if I do not stand up for our comrades of Mexican descent or if I do not fight the building of walls even up to my very last breath. And in my opinion any Texan, regardless of nationality or race, who does not do the same should leave. You are the ones who do not deserve to fly your flags here.
And for anyone that is still interested here is an excellent link about Texas Indpendance.