Thursday, December 14, 2006
I Switched Again

I'm waiting for the forum to be upgraded.
It is now possible for the owner of a team blog to switch. The hesitating is for naught, because in the next months everyone will have to switch. The slow progression over to beta was to facilitate the equivalent to "switching engines in midflight" as one of the Blogger geeks described it. It works fine and the labels feature is great.
I don't think so and leave this as a warning to other team members not to switch until blogger gets its act straight.
1. How come I had to approve this post before it would show? That doesn't happen for team members. As far as the Forum is concerned in blogger's realm, a switcher becomes effectively a non member by switching. That's what I was afraid of.
2. A switched profile no longer shows the Forum as one of its blogs.
3. Profiles of other team members show a switcher as still a team member and so does the forum members list though team member priveleges and listing on the switched beta blog do not indicate forum team membership or link to it.
Cheap system design is to throw something out and expect users to do design debugging. It doesn't appear enough users have rebuilt it correctly yet. We are not on google's payroll and will wait until we know.
Note that Prole's blog is hosted independently using Wordpress rather than blogger. She looked around. So will we while waiting.
Dogmatic thought: Capitalism is about maximizing income while minimizing expenditure, those it impacts be damned. Proper system development is expensive, so sell them whatever they'll buy. Hey it gets the advertising out there.
I grant your three points, which are all the result of the switched and the non-switched team blog being on different systems now. As soon as, and if you ever, switch this blog over those problems will go away. It is not some scheme to undermine the quality of anything.
A Beta Test is the best method of finding and working out bugs, which is what Blogger Beta was doing originally to test the improved system on volunteers. Now that they are satisfied enough to switch the entire sysrem over, from static to dynamic pages, they are tapping sections of subscribers to switch at a time, but eventually all team blogs will be in the same system with switched members again … when the team blogs switch. Xenophopic Dogmatism?
I seem to survive the paradigm shift, although I face a problem when accesing some of the comments links (right just now). I'm still behind the iron curtain.