Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Iran Says No


It is absurd for the United States of America to claim its own leadership to the world and to say only the leader can do these things. The rest of you are followers and do as you are told. This is not leadership, but oppression and abuse. There is no equality or respect in this at all. Just a bully attempt to control. Thug mentality.

If it is one countries right, than it is anothers, just like the human race, we all have the same rights. America must be taken out of the position where it thinks it can decide who has these rights, if there is to be any sort of balance that can maintain peace in our world.

From Aljeezera: Iran Vows to Resist Western Pressures

"Iran's president has labeled the US a "hollow superpower" and declared his country would defy Western pressure and complete its nuclear programme".

"Ahmadinejad said that the US is "tainted with the blood of nations" and led by a man who became president through a court ruling".

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