Friday, June 01, 2007
Rotting Fruit

[translation of text on the picture]
I am a union farmworker
Laborer of the nation
I will struggle with the poor
We've had enough of the landowner
We want liberation.
Not Enough Workers
America cries out in fear and anger over their migrant workers, workers who have been coming generation after generation to work their fields and pick their fruits. They say they are taking the jobs and no work remains for themselves, although they do not do this type of work. They prefer welfare or park benches and begging. This article shows how much damage is being done to Americas farming industry by not letting in these migrant workers like they always did in the past. I see many articles like this one complaining about the lack of these type of workers this year, and the loss of crops. The American government would rather ruin its produce industry to stir up a stink over Mexicans so that they can preocuppy the minds of the citizens to distract them from the real issues at hand. Issues far more urgent and dangerous then who picks what.