Saturday, May 12, 2007

American Mothers

A Mothers Day Report Card
The Best And Worst Countries to Be a Mother

Here is the last of three articles about children and America during this Mothers Day week. It is on Thursday here in Mexico and on Sunday in America. America should not feel itself so superior when they have such a bad record. It is a sign of a decaying society when children are not taken care of right, and the children themselves turn to violence and away from their families like they have now in America. They can point their fingers at other countries that do worse than them, but this does not make their position right.

Save the Children, a U.S.based independent global humanitarian organization, today released its eighth annual Mothers' Index that ranks the best — and worst — places to be a mother and a child and compares the well-being of mothers and children in 140 countries, more than in any previous year. Sweden, Iceland and Norway top the rankings this year. Niger ranks last among countries surveyed. The top-10 countries, in general, attain very high scores for mothers’ and children’s health, educational and economic status. The 10 bottom-ranked countries — nine from sub-Saharan Africa — are a reverse image of the top 10, performing poorly on all indicators. The United States places 26th this year, tied with Hungary,

The rest of the article follows here.

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