Saturday, January 20, 2007
Extreme Duplicity

They are also building wind farms. But the DIRTY energy lobby won't tell you that. See the story at this link.
The Shah was certainly a murderous tyrant, but the British and US administrations of the day were behind him all the way.
Here his 'good guy' image (note all the medals) was being used to argue against the nasty hippies who were protesting against the use of nuclear energy. things have changed :]
Isn't interesting how when the US chooses a dictator for a country, they end up being murderous little bastards with a Napoleon complex (like our President).
All things said, what is the difference between the Shah and the current Irani nutt-case? Isn't it just the perspective (or bottle) you look at things through?
Actually I am doing research on that matter (part of my course) so if anything, I will write you a nice post about it :)
The new "nutcase" is a twelver Shiia and extreme anti-semite but the fact remains no sane Iranian leader will be happy with a nuclear armed Israel next door or a hegemon (US) that demands the right to global dominance and an exclusive franchise on nuclear weapons. Remember we supported Iraq in the war against Iran, they don't trust us, why would they?
Keep in mind that this current nut is a pawn in the hands of Ali Khamen'i, the supreme leader and Wali el-Faqih in Iran
You know I heard of something similar to what you mentioned about Ahmedinejad. I also heard that his, let's call it cult, believes in the Hidden Imam, or the new Messiah (Mahdi, in Islam) which is soon to come as the 12th Imam born from Mohammed's lineage. The mainstreem Islam usually confounds Mahdi with Jesus.
(P.S. just having real trouble singing in)
It is not only him, it is in the Iranian constitution, and the theory is called the Wali el Faqih (actually Hezbollah in Lebanon abide by it and they regard that the Wali el Faqih as the head of the Shora Council within them).
The theory was founded by Ayatollah Imam Rouhollah Khomeini, which focuses on the 12 Imams theory (technically followed by the Shiites. The 12th Imam, AL-Mahdi, disappeared about a Millenium ago and in the Shiite doctrine he shall appear on Judgement Day. During his disappearance, an emulator is required to issue jurisprudence laws and is the protector of the Islamic Nation. That man is the Wali el Faqih. He is the ultimate reference when it comes to "Taqlid" and "al-qarar". The current Wali is Ali Khamenei, and he controls the sensitive spots in Iran which crippled Khatami to do some of his reforms (actually a lot of his buddies got imprisoned or assassinated).
PS: I will do a post about it when I finish my paper within two weeks...