Saturday, June 03, 2006
Yellow Stain
The Yellow Stain From Texas
Sung to the Yellow Rose Of Texas
With apologies to no one!
By The Bush Wackers
There's a Yellow Stain from Texas , in Washington DC, The leader of the free world representing you and me. He claims to stand for values. What values might those be? The only one he's shown so far is called hypocrisy.
He loves domestic spying, ignores the Bill of Rights The only group he represents is the religious right. He's defied the constitution, he's a scoundrel, plain to see. The Yellow Stain from Texas is no president to me.
He panders to big oil, serves the rich but not the poor He represents the end of all this country once stood for He says he's got compassion, then kills thousands in Iraq While oilmen and 'Born agains' just pat him on the back.
He stole the Oval Office, he's trampled on our rights, But just the same we're all to blame, if we don't set things right. He's tossed away due process, your right to privacy. The Yellow Stain from Texas is no president to me.
He points to "nine-eleven," and that is his excuse For torture, war and deficits. and prisoner abuse. He's a Yellow Stain from Texas, our nation's greatest shame. His lies killed more Iraqis, than Saddam Hussein.
Bill Clinton's Presidency sure had its share of flaws We all recall the problems that a little stain can cause So let's remove this BIG stain, serve justice while we can We'd best impeach him quickly, before he bombs Iran .
Oh the Yellow Stain from Texas is a stain upon us all Got to do some stain removing, or democracy will fall. He's the Yellow Stain from Texas , a traitor, plain to see. The Yellow Stain from Texas is no president to me.