Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Net War

Full Spectrum Dominance
The Pentagon’s
War on the Internet
Alternet Press Review
"The internet is the last bastion of American democracy; a virtual world where reliable information moves instantly from person to person without passing through the corporate filter."
"The Pentagon has developed a comprehensive strategy for taking over the internet and controlling the free flow of information. The plan appears in a recently declassified document, “The Information Operations Roadmap” , which was provided under the Freedom of Information Act and revealed in an article by the BBC."
"The Pentagon sees the internet in terms of a military adversary that poses a vital threat to its stated mission of global domination. This explains the confrontational language in the document which speaks of “fighting the net”; implying that the internet is the equivalent of “an enemy weapons system."
"Information-warfare is used to create an impenetrable cloud around the activities of government so that decisions can be made without dissent. The smokescreen of deception that encompasses the Bush administration has less to do with prevaricating politicians than it does with a clearly articulated policy of obfuscation. “The Information Operations Roadmap” is solely intended to undermine the principle of an informed citizenry."
You better watch out!!

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