Saturday, July 07, 2007
Tent City
In Raymondville, Texas
No wonder American claims it spends so much money on immigration. Look at what they waste it on.

Raymondville is about an hour North from the border town of Brownsville, TX. It is a small town with a population of about 10, 000. It houses the $65 million futuristic "Tent City". It has been described as a “futuristic tent city...made of Kevlar-like material” without windows and ringed by barbed wire. The facility is located next to a State and Federal Prison, keeping the undocumented immigrants as criminals in the largest immigration detention center in the US. It holds 2,000 immigrants who speak more than 40 different languages in windowless hothouses. They are locked down 23 hours a day. Some will spend years there before being sent back home. They are often with insufficient food, clothing, medical care and access to telephones. Many are transferred from the East Coast, 1,500 miles from relatives and lawyers, virtually cutting off access to counsel.