Thursday, February 23, 2006

Boring to Ignorant

The GMI international marketing company completed a poll of 25,000 people from 35 countries to see how they ranked the world's nations with regard to culture, people, and appeal as a place to visit, invest in, or migrate to.

The ranking of the top 10 in order of desirability were 1) UK, 2) Switzerland, 3) Canada, 4) Italy, 5) Sweden, 6) Germany, 7) Japan, 8) France, 9) Australia, and 10) United States.

While UK citizens were considered to be the most polite and best educated, they were also rated the most boring. The French were seen as the "rudest". Americans were viewed as the most "ignorant".

No mention was made of "most war like", but that is rather obvious.

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